Posts by Collection


▪ basic-and-fast-neural-style-transfer

Simplified implementation of basic neural style transfer and fast neural style transfer in PyTorch.
[Code]      [Blog Post]

▪ cartpole-dqn-ddpg-ppo

Minimal implementation of RL algorithms (DQN, DDPG and PPO) in Isaac Gym cartpole environment.
[Code]      [Blog Post]

▪ motion-planning-mpc

Modular implementation of basic motion planning algorithm that based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Control Barrier Function (CBF).
[Code]      [Slide]

▪ mujoco-playground

Collection of small-scale projects for testing robotics algorithms in the MuJoCo simulator. (Ongoing project)

▪ simple-mpc-cbf

Simple scripts that are used for solving motion planning & obstacle avoidance problems via Model Predictive Control (MPC) & Control Barrier Function (CBF).
[Code]      [Report]      [Slide]

▪ trajectory-tracking-ilc

Use Iterative Learning Control (ILC) for trajectory tracking task with the existence of model mismatch. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is also used for comparison.
[Code]      [Report]      [Slide]


A Parametric Thoracic Spine Model Accounting for Geometric Variations by Age, Sex, Stature, and Body Mass Index

Lihan Lian, Michelle Baek, Sunwoo Ma, Monica Jones, Jingwen Hu
SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety (Special Student Issue), 2023
[Paper]      [Website]      [Slide]

Co-state Neural Network for Real-time Nonlinear Optimal Control with Input Constraints

Lihan Lian, Uduak Inyang-Udoh
American Control Conference (ACC), 2025
[arXiv]      [Slide]



Teaching experience 1 Permalink

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.